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Launch Arts Drop to a new audience

Work with us to launch Arts Drop to more audiences

Find out how to collaborate with Arts Drop to engage children and young people that you work with.

Launch Arts Drop to a new audience

As social distancing continues for the foreseeable future, the Arts Drop approach can help to reach more children and young people. We welcome collaboration with LCEPs, local authorities and community organisations, and we will support you to roll out Arts Drop.

We can provide a comprehensive support package and work with your organisation to bring Arts Drop to a new group. Our expert approach ensures high quality arts activities are developed in collaboration with  communities and organisations.

As part of the pilot of Arts Drop, the Creative Learning Guild teamed up with Arts & Health Specialist Elaine Burke, to develop a clinically approved health and wellbeing framework.

From our pioneering work, we have developed a package of support to give other organisations the insight and framework to develop Arts Drop to meet the needs of their communities. This ensures that we also widen participation in the arts and cultural experience of a community, reaching out to families and encouraging them to continue engagement once lockdown is lifted.

This extensive package includes:

  • Clinically approved emotional health and wellbeing framework
  • CPD offer to sector
  • Open access website for professionals
  • Evaluation framework
  • Sponsorship track record to make the case
  • Operational and logistical templates
  • Links to a wider comms and PR strategy

Contact Us

By Phone on 01422 383191

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Arts Drop has been developed by a collaboration between the Creative Learning Guild and clinician and Arts and Health specialist Elaine Burke, supported by funding from The National Lottery.

The Calderdale pilot was generously supported by the Arts Council Bridge Organisation for Yorkshire and Humber IVE, Open Minds service run by Calderdale Council and the Community Foundation for Calderdale.

In addition, business support has come from a YPO who supplied our arts materials for the roll out. YPO supplies products and services to a wide range of customers including schools, local authorities, charities, emergency services, public sector and other businesses.